Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs proactively fosters an environment in which the research and creative accomplishments of faculty and staff are encouraged and rewarded.
The goal of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is to assist faculty and staff in their efforts to secure and ensure proper stewardship of external funding while protecting the university’s interests and remaining compliant with relevant federal regulations, sponsor guidelines, and individual award terms and conditions. In pursuit of this mission, the OSP fosters the following values:
- Creativity and innovation
- Collegiality and inclusiveness
- Excellence in pedagogy and scholarship
- Scholarly equity
Institutional Information for Proposal Applications
Policy Documents
- Pre-Award Orange Form (Institutional Approval)
- Checklist for Principal Investigators (PI)
- Award Roles and Responsibilities
- Federal Cost Principles
- Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct
- Sub-Recipient Monitoring
- Cooperative Agreement Model
- Process for External Contracts
- SEU Indirect Cost Policy
- Time and Effort Reporting Form
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grants
- USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Grants
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants & Funding
- NIH Grants & Funding– How to Apply - Application Guide
- Humanities Texas Grants
- U.S. Department of Education Grants Overview
- American Psychological Association Scholarships, Grants, and Awards Database
- IES What Works Clearinghouse
- IES and NSF Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development
- National Center for Professional and Research Ethics—Ethics CORE
- NSF Biosketch Approved Formats
- NSF Current and Pending Support Approved Formats
- NSF Collaborators and Other Affiliations (COA) Template
- Recorded Sessions